Our peak tutoring hours are 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm Beijing Time. About 90% of classes are in the peak hours.
General rule: If you are in USA, most available hours are in the early morning
If you are in Asia, most available hours are at night
If you are in Europe, most available hours are in the middle of the day.
Monday ~ Sunday
5:00am to 8:00am EST Normal Winter time.
6:00am to 9:00am EST Daylight Saving time
Off Peak tutoring time beyond Peaking Tutoring time slots: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Beijing Time.
All applicants will be recommended to tutor for minimum 12 classes ( 6 hours) per week during Peak Tutoring hours. Time slots are Tutors’ choice within Peak Tutor Time Slots above. They are also welcome to tutor as many hours they can during Peak Time and Non Peak time
Once you open your available hours, our partner schools will book classes with you. We don’t control the demand. Sometimes tutors are fully booked as soon as they join our platform, and sometimes it takes a few weeks for them to get students. However, in the majority of cases, we have seen quite a strong demand for native speaking tutors in our platform.
Please make sure you can keep long-term stable in the time slots you opened.
Is availability to schedule non-peak hours only specific to the summer holiday?
When is the off-peak tutoring season?
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